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Labour’s hate campaign

Panorama - The Mayor and Our Money

Panorama – The Mayor and Our Money

Labour Councillors provide the sources for Panorama allegations: Labour’s hate campaign

Cllr Rachael Saunders

Cllr Rachael Saunders

Cllr Rachael Saunders after the first mayoral election in October 2010: “We’ll win back the hearts and minds of the people of Tower Hamlets through demonstrating that we understand their concerns, and that only Labour can represent the whole of our community.” Labour List, 23rd October 2010 Cllr Rachael Saunders, speaking at the Council and broadcast on Panorama – clearly stirring up division in the community:
“Is there any link between Mayor’s funding of any community organisations in the borough and the mayor’s campaign?”


Helal Rahman

Helal Rahman

Helal Rahman, former Labour Councillor, on Panorama: “The Mayor has already created an image in the community that he is someone very powerful.” (We have tried to find a quote from former Cllr Helal Rahman from before the Panorama programme, but we can find no record of him having said anything of interest during the course of his period in office.)

Cllr Joshua Peck

Cllr Joshua Peck

Cllr Joshua Peck, speaking on Panorama about the Mayor’s involvement in giving grants to community groups: “I am pretty sure there is some quid pro quo in some of those grant decisions being made. I am pretty sure that part of that quid pro quo is about supporting the mayor politically on the ground in the run up to an election because he doesn’t have a political machine and he needs organisations out there making sure that the electorate turns out to vote for him.”
In 2013, Mr Aman Dalvi lodged a claim in the Employment Tribunal which was settled “out of court”, at a cost to Council Tax payers of over £100,000. Cllr Joshua Peck has, to date, refused to clarify why he was personally named in the legal proceedings which cost the Council so much money.

Cllr Motin Uz-Zaman

Cllr Motin Uz-Zaman

Cllr Motin Uz-Zaman, speaking at the Cabinet (broadcast on Panorama): “Thank you Mr Mayor. Can I just say that my disappointment again, Mayor Rahman, for your non-attendance and your again on the eighth occasion that you have declined to attend the Overview and Scrutiny Committee again.”
Cllr Uz-Zaman then left the Cabinet meeting. He attends Cabinet, but declines to stay after he has given his O&S report – it looks as if he does not want to have an overview of what is discussed at Cabinet (or to scrutinise it).


The man they love to hate:

Mayor Lutfur Rahman

Mayor Lutfur Rahman

– Most social homes built in the UK
– Restored EMA when the Government cut it
– Restored grants for uni students when the Government took them away
– Restoring Poplar Baths l Several national awards for good Council services

Who is really uniting the Borough?

Tower Hamlets Labour leaders: they still think they rule an empire in which the Asians behave like the white man wants…