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Thought for today 06.06.20

#BlackLivesMatter This month we shall be recording responses made to the killing of George Floyd on 25th May. Too many black people have died at the hands of state racism, institutional racism – and individual racism stoked by the first ...

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Thought for today 05.06.20

#BlackLivesMatter This month we shall be recording responses made to the killing of George Floyd on 25th May. Too many black people have died at the hands of state racism, institutional racism – and individual racism stoked by the first ...

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Thought for today 04.06.20

#BlackLivesMatter This month we shall be recording responses made to the killing of George Floyd on 25th May. Too many black people have died at the hands of state racism, institutional racism – and individual racism stoked by the first ...

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Thought for today 03.06.20

#BlackLivesMatter This month we shall be recording responses made to the killing of George Floyd on 25th May. Too many black people have died at the hands of state racism, institutional racism – and individual racism stoked by the first ...

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Thought for today 02.06.20

#BlackLivesMatter This month we shall be recording responses made to the killing of George Floyd on 25th May. Too many black people have died at the hands of state racism, institutional racism – and individual racism stoked by the first ...

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Man dies after Hackney shooting

A MAN HAS DIED after being shot in Clapton late on Friday night, 5th June. The incident occurred in Brackenfield Close, E5 at approximately 11.30pm. The victim is thought to be in his 20s. The police and the London Ambulance ...

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Thought for today 01.06.20

#BlackLivesMatter This month we shall be recording responses made to the killing of George Floyd on 25th May. Too many black people have died at the hands of state racism, institutional racism – and individual racism stoked by the first ...

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Thought for today 31.05.20

WHAT WILL our “new normal” look like? This month we have been considering “thoughts” from various iconoclasts who are looking for, or have worked for, change – in favour of freedom, equality and justice for the many. Can we grasp ...

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