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Thought for today 09.08.20

AS WORLD leaders look for a way to repair a global economy deeply injured by the first wave of Coronavirus, we look this month at the struggle between the wealthy and the workers – and what’s been said about it. ...

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Thought for today 08.08.20

AS WORLD leaders look for a way to repair a global economy deeply injured by the first wave of Coronavirus, we look this month at the struggle between the wealthy and the workers – and what’s been said about it. ...

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Thought for today 07.08.20

AS WORLD leaders look for a way to repair a global economy deeply injured by the first wave of Coronavirus, we look this month at the struggle between the wealthy and the workers – and what’s been said about it. ...

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Thought for today 06.08.20

AS WORLD leaders look for a way to repair a global economy deeply injured by the first wave of Coronavirus, we look this month at the struggle between the wealthy and the workers – and what’s been said about it. ...

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Thought for today 05.08.20

AS WORLD leaders look for a way to repair a global economy deeply injured by the first wave of Coronavirus, we look this month at the struggle between the wealthy and the workers – and what’s been said about it. ...

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Thought for today 04.08.20

AS WORLD leaders look for a way to repair a global economy deeply injured by the first wave of Coronavirus, we look this month at the struggle between the wealthy and the workers – and what’s been said about it. ...

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Thought for today 03.08.20

AS WORLD leaders look for a way to repair a global economy deeply injured by the first wave of Coronavirus, we look this month at the struggle between the wealthy and the workers – and what’s been said about it. ...

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