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Beeb boobs with girls football story

WHEN IS A BBC Radio 4 news report about Tower Hamlets Council not accurate? The answer is: at 7.45am on Saturday, 30th September 2023, when the Today programme broadcast an item about a women’s football in Tower Hamlets. The report ...

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Scintilla are League Cup Champions

Muhammad Talha SCINTILLA CRICKET CLUB have been crowned the Essex County Cricket League Division 2/3 League Cup winners. Newham was the host for the end of season finale as, in the middle of a September heatwave, Scintilla faced Bow Green ...

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Magnificent Bangladesh lift World Cup

Md Talha BANGLADESH HAS BEEN crowned winners of the Inner London Football League for the second time. An astonishing final saw Bangladesh beat Nigeria 6-2 The early group games commenced with Bangladesh facing Nigeria, and it was the past champions ...

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