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Search Results for: biggs

Tories in Tower Hamlets

The Conservative Way Forward (CWF) quotes David Cameron on their website, saying that CWF is “The largest and most effective pressure group within the Conservative movement today.” CWF had a day of action on the Isle of Dogs last year, ...

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Cameron on a roll: take cover now

The Christmas message slot has been taken – the Queen got their first – so UK Prime Minister David Cameron has been bumped into the New Year’s message slot. Take cover. Cameron is still a relatively weak Leader. Although his ...

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Change of Plan?

Confusion surrounds three applications to set up Neighbourhood Planning Forums which came to the December meeting of Tower Hamlets Council’s Cabinet. Residents have done the preparatory work in three areas – parts of Spitafields, Limehouse and the Isle of Dogs ...

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Race card may be trumps for Donald

Donald Trump’s suggestion that Muslims should be barred from entering the USA has elicited a storm of protest around the world – with a community gathering outside the East London Mosque last Friday joining in – but has also elicited ...

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Two jobs-John leaves tenants to “do it yourself”

There’s a nasty little scam going round at the moment. Con artists are gaining access to flats and advertising them for rent. When a prospective tenant comes round to view the flat, the con artist poses as a landlord, takes ...

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Has Tower Hamlets Labour backed wrong horse for London mayor?

With the election of the next London Mayor less than six months away, it’s not surprising to see Labour councillors keen to back a candidate in this important political race. It is very strange, though, to find Labour Councillors bigging ...

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Rich pickings for Rich Mix?

Labour’s John “two jobs” Biggs is looking into how to make his Administration more transparent: according to Councillors Shahed Ali and Oliur Rahman, he could make a good start by coming clean over the Rich Mix Centre. The two Independent ...

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Commissioners to stay!

Government turns down Biggs’s request to withdraw Commissioners Biggs offers to cut East End Life if Commissioners will go John Biggs has failed in his attempt to get government Commissioners out of Tower Hamlets so that he can run the ...

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