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Trump says “ban Muslims” in campaign ad

Warning: potentially offensive islamophobic image below. Alas, it seems Donald Trump is slightly cleverer than we thought. The two major parties in the USA, the Democrats and the Republicans, are choosing their candidates for November’s presidential elections. The candidates are ...

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Mystery surrounds mosque attack

A 29 year old man drove a red Peugeot 307 at a mosque in Valence, France, on New Year’s day: no one yet knows why. Initially it seemed like a terror attack. The French army has been on guard outside ...

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Rats! Back to Mumbai…

The stowaway rat – was it a tourist? going to visit friends in the UK? an aspiring illegal immigrant? a refugee? an economic migrant? lost? – allegedly spotted on the Air India flight on 30th December is not the airline’s ...

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Human Relief Foundation visits Jordan humanitarian aid camps

Emdad Rahman A team from the UK-based charity Human Relief Foundation (HRF) has returned from visiting various locations in Jordan to distribute aid to the most vulnerable refugees. Volunteers handed out school stationery kits to young children in Madaba, distributed over ...

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A law for the Justice, but not for the law-maker

Nazir Ahmed says it is unacceptable that a British citizen of Bangladeshi origin can become the Chief Justice of Bangladesh – but not an MP! Constitutionally a dual citizen (e.g., a British citizen of Bangladeshi origin) can become the Chief ...

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Bangladeshi journalists’ lives at risk

Police reports confirm that local journalist Mushfiqur Rahman Tuhin (38) of Kutubpur village at Atpara Upazila at Netrokona Zila in Bangladesh has been stabbed to death by terrorists. He was killed in his own home by an assassin early on ...

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Palestinians on friendship tour in Tower Hamlets

Palestinian delegation to tour Tower Hamlets From 6th to 16th October, the Tower Hamlets Jenin Friendship Association (THJFA) was hoping to host three delegates from the Palestinian Authority on an information and cultural exchange to the borough. THJFA has been ...

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Help us “boycott” G4S

G4S provides security systems for major Israeli prisons and detention centres, which hold Palestinian political prisoners from occupied Palestinian territory inside Israel. Human rights organisations have documented systematic torture and ill treatment of Palestinian prisoners, including child prisoners, detained within ...

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