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Tips for correct sunscreen application:: With summer sun on its way and the month of April seeing record high temperatures it is essential that everyone,

Life Style

:: Nazmin Chowdhury ::

Tips for correct sunscreen application
With summer sun on its way and the month of April seeing record high temperatures it is essential that everyone, young and old protects their skin from the harsh that the glorious sun can cause. It is a great source of energy for the body that will allow you to go through the day full of life.  The only problem is that extended exposure to the sun is a killer.  Lengthy exposure of your body under the sun not only exposes risks of skin cancer, it will also speed up the aging of your skin.  In severe cases, your skin can develop melanoma or transform into a leathery kind of hide.With proper use of sunscreen you can enjoy the warmth of the sun whilst ensuring you are protected properly from the Ultra Violet (UV) radiating your skin.  Here are some helpful tips in applying sunscreen properly for optimum sun protection• When choosing the sunscreen selecting the correct SP factor is essential.  However, always bear in mind how long you will normally expose yourself under the sun on a daily basis.  If the exposure is quite limited, than a sunscreen with an SPF rating of 15 should suffice.  However, if your exposure under the sun on a daily basis is somewhat extended, a sunscreen product with a higher rating is highly recommended.  Also if you are fair skinned a higher SPF rating is needed in most cases, those products that have SPF ratings of 40 to 60 are considered to be sunblock.  In addition, make sure that pick up a sunscreen product that will protect you both from UVA and UVB radiation.• For sensitive skin be extra careful on what sunscreen to use.  Some of the common products contain chemicals that may be considered harsh to people with sensitive skin.  If that is the case with your skin, make sure to only use sunscreen laced with zinc oxide or titanium oxide.   • Applying sunscreen to your skin every morning prior to leaving the house is the regular way of doing it.  When applying the sunscreen make sure to lather up all the exposed areas of your body, particularly the back of your neck, the upper chest, your entire face (including your lips and nose), your arms, hands, and legs (if you are wearing shorts or skirt).  The amount that you will apply will depend on how much of your body you want to protect.  The sunscreen tends to wash away with perspiration or if you get wet.  Hence, apply a new layer of sunscreen should you sweat or get wet.  Also of course, only apply the sunscreen when your skin has dried up.  • Still apply sunscreen even when the sun is not shining through.  You may think that the cloud cover will protect you but the reality is that it will not. Do not underestimate the sun when the weather is cloudy and dark. • Last bit of help tip is if you are going to out when the sun is at its hottest, which is between 10am to 3pm, make sure to apply higher SP factor sunscreen, usually more than the typical sunscreen with an SPF of 15 or 20.


Make your own raised garden
If you are you looking for a vegetable garden that is easy to maintain? Consider growing your garden in raised garden boxes. Elevated raised gardens require less bending for planting, weeding, watering, and harvesting. A raised vegetable garden is also an excellent alternative for growing vegetables in difficult sites, such as hillsides. In these areas, depths can be adjusted easily to fit the slope of the hill. Depending on your individual needs, raised beds can take many forms, making them quite practical as well as beautiful.Nearly anything that holds soil and maintains shape is the best way to build a raised garden bed. Wood, concrete, bricks, stones, or containers that are situated in tiers can all be implemented for use in a raised bed. Normally, wood is the most commonly used; you should try to stay away from using any lumber which has been pressure treated, however, since the chemicals that are used to treat the wood can get into the soil and harm plants. Typically, raised garden boxes are laid out in a rectangular pattern approximately 3 feet in width. This layout allows all areas of the bed, including the center, to be easily accessible. The length of a raised vegetable garden mainly depends on your particular landscape needs. The depth of raised garden boxes generally require at least 6-12 inches for the proper root development of plants.Creating paths between the beds makes the maintenance easier and looks attractive, too. You can create this effect by adding a layer of plastic or other gardening fabric between each bed and covering it with a suitable mulching material, such as gravels or pebbles. The pathways should be wide enough for easy accessibility to the beds with additional room for a wheelbarrow. Generally, a width of approximately 2 to 3 feet is sufficient.Raised garden beds – preparation of location: One of the most important aspects of a raised vegetable bed is proper location. Choose a site that provides sufficient sunlight and water. When it comes to the best way to build a raised garden bed, areas that get at least 5 to 8 hours of full sun is recommended. Try to place the beds facing north to south to take full advantage of the sun. The soil in a raised bed warms faster and dries out more quickly than soil at ground level; therefore, you will need to water your raised vegetable garden often, especially during hot, dry weather.When considering how to make a homemade raised garden, it is just as important for the plants to be in an area that is accessible to rainwater as well. When applying water to elevated raised gardens, it is often better to use soaker hoses which can be placed directly on the bed; the use of sprinklers can also be used but are more likely to spread diseases if the foliage stays excessively wet. The use of organic mulches, such as straw or hay, can also be used to help retain moisture within these vegetable gardens.Soil for raised vegetable garden: Raised garden boxes have looser soil, which is ideal for root crops, providing a more optimum soil environment for root growth. When you are ready for raised garden beds preparation of soil in your beds, fill them with commercial soil or mix the existing soil with compost or manure. As beds are built up, keep adding compost to further improve its soil structure and drainage. When you begin planting crops into the beds, the taller varieties should be placed nearer the north to prevent shading of the smaller crops.Enjoy your raised garden boxes: Elevated raised gardens are easier for you to maintain since it is accessible on all sides. Since plants are growing above the level of walkways, there is less need for bending or stooping as you care for your crops. Raised beds offer other benefits as well. They save on space and allow crops to grow closer together, resulting in more moisture for the crops and less weed growth. With raised beds, you also have the option of creating the bed as small as you like and then adding onto it as time, experience, and your individual needs permit.Source: www.gardeningknowhow.com

Ways to grow back beautiful bold eyebrows
Thicker and darker eyebrows make ones face look prominent and attractive but eyebrows are also for protection for the eyes.  It prevents sweat from your head dripping in to your eyes.  However, due to over plucking, threading and waxing one can experience hair loss in the eyebrows.  Below are some natural methods in restoring eyebrow growth.1. Olive oil is very easy to procure. You have to spread a small amount of it from the Q-tip of the hair. Ensure that you only put the oil to the spot where you want your hairs to grow. If you have some eyebrow hairs, you can comb them using a special brush or even a toothbrush. Go for the direction where you want the hair to be. Do this every night and simply wash the oil off in the morning.2. Vaseline is also another favorite product for growing eyebrows. The procedure is almost the same as olive oil, though you may have to apply this at least twice a day. If the olive oil can speed up the growth of hairs, Vaseline can promote thicker eyebrows, which you need to make them appear bolder. You can also have more control as to how you can thin out your eyebrows later on.3. Castor Oil. This combines the essential benefits of the other two. Thus, besides growing your eyebrows very fast, they can also be made thicker.4. Librow grows eyebrows in half the time. This means that you can expect fuller and thicker hair in a span of a month or even less than that. This scientifically proven eyebrow stimulator comes with vitamins and proteins that can enhance the condition of your eyebrow hair, making them more manageable, thicker, and bolder. Therefore, your eyebrows can further define the look of your eyes and, of course, your face.

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