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East London actions for Palestine

Despite the lockdown, the East London branch of the Palestine Solidarity Campaign (PSC) and the Jenin Friendship Association continue to work for liberation of the Palestinian people.

The PSC is currently campaigning to persuade Local Government Pension Funds to take ethical issues into account when planning their investments – and, specifically, to withdraw investment from companies which are complicit in the Israeli state’s violations of international law and Palestinian human rights.

The disinvestment campaign had stalled while there were legal arguments about whether pension funds were under an absolute duty to achieve the best financial return for their investments or whether they could take ethical factors into account when choosing where to put their money. The Supreme Court has recently ruled that ethical factors can be taken into account – and PSC has stepped up its campaign once more.

Now PSC is writing to all Local Government Pension Funds asking whether they will withdraw investment from companies which support the Israeli’s state’s activities. It’s certainly time that all councillors asked the same question of the funds in their own authorities.

For more information about the PSC campaign, go to:
LGPS disinvestment campaign

PSC is also asking supporters who are members of these Pension Funds to work together. To make contact with other pension holders, go to this page and enter your contact details:

There are also two webinars coming up which campaigners may find of interest.

Webinar: The JNF as a pillar of Israeli Apartheid (1948-67)
4pm, 6th June

Student Weninar: Divest Now! Campaigning for Justice on Campus
6pm, 2nd June

•Read more about it:
Biggs turns down “free speech on Palestine” petition
Revealed: Tower Hamlets Council censors Palestine bike ride

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