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Healthcare or Warfare?

THE Stop the War Coalition is holding a virtual meeting on Saturday, 16th May to explore the issue of government expenditure on keeping people healthy and, on the other hand, killing them.

The military never seem to go short of supplies. They may be an aircraft carrier or two down, but no one has suggested they are an unnecessary expense which could be privatised.

On the other hand, health services are becoming ever more remote. Much of the NHS is acting as a funnel, taking taxpayers’ money and shovelling it into the pockets of private sector profiteers and speculators. Will the new appreciate shown towards NHS and care workers during the Coronavirus pandemic change politicians’ minds?

Speakers at the meeting include John Pilger, Kate Hudson and Dr Mona Kamal.

Cut War, not Healthcare
1pm, Saturday, 16th May
Register here

●Read more about it:
Can we stop Trump war on Iraq?
Get ready to save the NHS in Tower Hamlets

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