
Will Crooks Estate holds Fun Day

By admin1

July 19, 2017

Emdad Rahman

A FUN DAY was held last Sunday on the Will Crooks Estate on Poplar High Street. The guest of honour was Will Crook’s great grandson David Viner, who came to celebrate the day with the local community.

David Viner was extremely interested in the history and the development of Docklands and Canary Wharf. In 1900 Will Crooks became the first Labour mayor of Poplar, and two years later was elected to Parliament as the MP for Woolwich.

During the course of the afternoon David Viner presented the winning football team with a specially designed trophy, in memory of Will Crooks himself. This took place on the site of the original Workhouse on Poplar High Street where Will Crooks spent some years as a child following his father’s accident in the Docks.

Neighbours In Poplar, founded in 1969, is a registered charity providing practical support to older, frail, isolated people of all cultures and faiths, living in Poplar and the Isle of Dogs.

•Read more about it: Neighbours in Poplar visit French refugee camp Neighbours in Poplar raise money for the needy

