British Politics

Want to vote? Last week to register!

By admin

April 09, 2016

If you want to vote in the elections for London Mayor on 5th May, you must be on the electoral register – and 18th April is your deadline for joining the register if you are not already on it.

If you are eligible to vote, you are required to do so – and the Electoral Registration Officer can impose a civil penalty fine of £80 if you do not do so. Residents who have valid reasons for not registering – e.g., who have been in hospital for a prolonged period or have severe learning difficulties – will not be fined. Remember that if you have moved, you will need to register at your new address.

Every person who is eligible to vote has to complete their own application to join the register. The quickest and easiest way to apply to register is online at:

You will need to provide obvious information such as your name and address, but also your national insurance number and date of birth.

Of you can’t vote in person on Thursday, 5th May, you can apply for a postal vote by contacting the council’s election team before Tuesday, 19th April. To do this, or for more information or assistance about registering or about the voting process, call 020-7364 0872 (8am-5.30pm) or email:


The whole of London will be voting for a London Mayor, with voters also being asked to vote for Members of the London Assembly. You will have one vote for the Member who will represent your constituency (Tower Hamlets is part of the City & East constituency), You will have a second vote for which political party you most want to see represented on the Assembly: all these votes, across London, will be added up and the parties will be allotted seats according to the proportion of Londoners’ votes cast for them. Each party has published a list of its candidates, to whom the seats its wins will be allocated.

To find out more about the London Mayor and GLA elections visit
