
Two poems from Dr Amanullah Ashru

By admin

November 01, 2015

Heart Sip from love’s cup, give from your own heart, drink a draught-sorrow after pain. Forsake not the thought that reply silently, holding from crowd. Each moment is a share of eternity, faith and theology, multitude formal prayer.

Not your wealth, not your property, but a prayer is needed that truly returned to you as blessing. When you are blessed, property and wealth are not equal to it.

Friendship is power, which everyman shares to his identity. I am speaking about your heart, which is all eternity.




Road to Love  Nothing is tasteful like the wine of love which is found, true man or woman, being the best of nature.

Love is to endure the secret of heart, the spirit of speech, the song of bird-tongue, comfort completed once you are burnt in its fire.

You are against yourself, humble but self surrendered. That is the road to love, where you attain yourself, your whole existence.



You are cordially invited to the website of Dr Amanullah Ashru www.amanacademy.wordpress.com
