
Thought for today 21.10.20

By admin1

December 28, 2020

IN OCTOBER we usually celebrate Black History. This month we are looking at how Black and Minority Ethnic (BAME) Councillors are making new history.

“Appeared on Hawa TV today w/two of my esteemed colleagues (Cllr @hossain_ahbab & Cllr @THLP_ASMA). We were grilled on various issues.  We highlighted one of our key manifesto pledges in building 2,000 council homes (on target), increasing the provision of more family sized homes.” Cllr Kahar Chowdhury, Labour, Lansbury Ward, Tower Hamlets Council. This is a very rare tweet from a councillor who operates a “sandwich board” Twitter account – retweeting while remaining coy about his own thoughts on everything the council is doing or is going on in the ward he represents.

●Read more about it: Thought for today The Thames Today