
Thought for today 18.07.20

By admin1

July 26, 2020

TOWER HAMLETS COUNCILLORS: what are they like? The hot topic in the Borough is the decision of Executive Mayor John Biggs to impose new contracts (“Tower Rewards”) on the Council workforce.  Do Labour Councillors back him or not? Ten councillors have signed an open letter asking him to think again.  Thirty-one have not.  It’s time we got to know our councillors a bit better, so this month we’ll be sharing some quotes from Labour’s public representatives.

“I have done some urgently needed shopping for a covid 19 affected family, for a little thing they have appreciated it a lot, and also I have been identifyin and referring vulnerable residents to the Council, they are finding this very helpful.” Cllr Rajib Ahmed, Lansbury ward, Facebook, 1st May 2020

Cllr Ahmed has not signed the letter to the Executive Mayor asking him to reconsider imposing the Tower Rewards package.

If you would like to suggest to Cllr Ahmed that he should sign the open letter, contact him here: 07958 740 097

•Read more about it: Thought for today The Thames Today