
Silvery marmosets roam free

By admin

June 08, 2012

Emdad Rahman:  It’s access all areas for the silvery marmosets at ZSL Whipsnade Zoo as they’ve become the latest animals allowed to roam freely around the park.  Up until now the close-knit family of seven, which includes Choc and Chip and Humbug and Mint, have lived in their wooden enclosure in the middle of the zoo.  Now they have joined mara, wallabies and muntjac deer which have access to much of the zoo’s 600 acres and can be seen all over the park.

The mischievous marmosets have already been spotted enjoying themselves clambering onto the roof of their enclosure, playing on fences and running along rope branches and, as the weather becomes warmer, the family will increasingly be found in the trees above visitors’ heads.

Senior keeper, Steve Perry, said:  “It’s a whole new world for them – they are free to go wherever they like and are enjoying themselves foraging. They don’t normally venture too far – they’ve been seen in the trees and playing on their rope branches and a couple have been spotted on the picnic lawn.  At the end of each day we ring a bell and they come back in for food, which includes fresh fruit and vegetables.  It’s early days but so far so good and it’s lovely to see them out and about around the zoo.”

The silvery marmosets, which have distinctive silver-grey coats, black tails and flesh coloured faces and ears, have also been seen helping themselves to tasty little insect snacks and are partial to a bit of tree sap, using their unusual chisel-like teeth to extract it from the bark.  In keeping with their wild habitat, they stick to a small territory, are reluctant to go on the ground and keep in touch through vocalisation – the group can often be heard whistling to each other.