

By admin

February 27, 2011

Chair of Council Motin Uz Zaman forcibly had removed all residents attending the Full Council Meeting on Wednesday. This move has sparked widespread public anger and a press conference was held yesterday regarding this incident. The gallery clearout was a culmination of a chaotic full council meeting leaving many residents feeling deeply disappointed in our politicians.

The contentious subject of £72 million savings Mayor Lutfur has had to announce 4 months into his leadership was met with demonstrations outside the Town Hall. Much police presence was visible. The lively crowd responded enthusiastically to various petitions and councillor contributions as usual. Things started to go wrong when Councillor Anna Lynch accused a member of the audience of shouting ‘poofter’ when Councillor Peter Gold was speaking.

None of the surrounding audience members or the stewards had heard anyone shout that particular insult. After recess as councillors were going back into the Chambers, Rayhan the young man accused of making the homophobic comment challenged Cllr Lynch. After heated exchanges between members of the audience, Lynch and other councillors, Lynch threatened the audience members saying “I will have you thrown out!” Lynch complained to the Chair and police that she was threatened by the audience members, again where none of the officers, members or reporters were able to verify.

Cllr Rania Khan went to calm the situation and trying to verify what had actually been said. Cllr Khan later said “I asked everyone in the area including officers, journalists, unison representatives and audience members, none backed up the claims of Cllr Lynch either on the homophobic insult or the threats.” “Whilst investigating I was set upon by Cllr Peck who on three instances told me to ‘shut the fuck up!’ he also said that my and Mayor Lutfur’s supporters were homophobic” She continued. “I was disgusted that the Labour Leader and elected member would speak to me or anyone in this manner.

Cllr Peck’s saying without any evidence that these were my and Mayor Lutfur’s supporters was presumptuous and false. This could be similarly said of Cllr Lynch’s accusations as no evidence whatsoever was found.” Khan said. Khan also went on to say: “To stoop to inventing stories to reflect badly on the Mayor and his team is and casting aspersions on innocent youths whom we should be trying to engage in politics is unconscionable. I was left feeling bullied and upset.” Cllrs Lynch and Turner complained to the Chair Motin Uz Zaman who asked Shiraj Hoque to leave the gallery, there were angry objections to this request. The chair later changed his mind conceding to Hoque’s innocence in the matter and asked Rayhan to leave instead.

This incensed the audience who felt Rayhan was being unfairly demonised over unverified allegations. The Chair offered no apology to Mr Hoque One Bangladeshi gentleman was previously asked to leave because he spoke because after understanding the admonitions of the Chair not to as he did not speak English. Two women had shouted throughout the meeting against the cuts but were not asked to leave. The audience angered by the perceived injustice objected to Rayhan being forcibly removed; the Chair then decided to clear the whole gallery. Councillor Khosru Uddin said to the expelled residents standing in the lobby of the Town Hall Council Meeting “Don’t you have a life? Go home!”

Councillor Shiria Khatun laughed at this comment aimed to belittle residents there. One resident said “these same councillors seek our help during election times to canvass for them, I felt deeply offended by councillors ridiculing us practicing our democratic rights.” Asha Affi a community leader attending the meeting said “It was disgraceful! I can’t believe how low some Labour councillors can stoop to. It appeared they had nothing productive to do or say.

It was a real shame that the actions of a few including the Labourcouncillors led to the whole public gallery being asked to leave. I felt the “Chair” was one sided, unwilling to listen to what the audience had to say; he did not seek the assistance of the police on hand. This experience has left deeply disappointed and I will not be attending another council meeting.”

Similar sentiments were expressed by other members in attendance. “The Members of the public decided to stand against the unjust decision by the Chair. We all walked out.” Said Ehtashamul Haque. Some felt this was a targeted attack on Bangladeshi men. Cllr Peter Gold who was the apparent target of the homophobic comment said “I am seeking legal advice on the matter”. Cllr Lynch was unavailable for comment at the time of going to press. The meeting was concluded at 11:45 pm after a compromise was unable to be reached over the budget amendments. A meeting has been rescheduled for the 8th of March where it is hoped the Mayor’s budget will get passed.