Anti-social behaviour can occur in neglected parts of the Borough...


Residents take on ASB

By admin1

March 08, 2017

TENANTS AND leaseholders will be discussing how to rid our estates of Anti-Social Behaviour later this month. The Tower Hamlets Federation of Tenants and Residents Associations (TRAs) will be devoting its March meeting to this topic – and leading the discussion will be Deputy Mayor Cllr Shiria Khatun, whose portfolio includes community safety issues.

“Anti-social behaviour is a big concern for residents across Tower Hamlets,” explained Federation Chair Phil Sedler. “We have to stamp it out so that we can all have a better quality of life.”

Issues that residents have expressed concern about over the last year include: Young people hanging round on or near estates, often being noisy and/or leaving litter. Noisy and inconsiderate neighbours who play loud music, day and night. Litter from nearby take-aways, which often ends up in large piles where the wind blows it. Cars that park up together and whose drivers rev up their engines throughout the evening. Motorbikes being driven round the estate, causing a danger to fellow residents and the drivers alike. Fireworks in the autumn.

“It’s not that we want to stop people having fun,” Phil Sedler pointed out. “But we do have to find ways of living together without getting on each other’s nerves. There may be all kinds of solutions – preferably adopting the ‘carrot’ approach rather than the ‘stick’. That’s why we’re inviting local residents to come and discuss ASB with fellow residents and with Cllr Khatun – so we can get a good picture of what’s really happening and what we can do about it.”

The March meeting of the Federation will take place from 7pm to 9pm on 20th March at the Collingwood Hall, Collingwood Street, E1 5DY. (The building has a ramped entrance, no internal stairs and a disabled toilet.) All Tower Hamlets residents are welcome. For more information, contact the Federation via or telephone 079 03 06 03 03.

