The Poet


Our children should live in peace

By admin

December 04, 2015

by Dr Amanullah Ashru


Our children should live in peace. No neutron bombs, No nuclear arsenals, No chemical weapons, No more arms, no more…

Our children should live in peace. Peace is a human right. The idea of peace and humanity is to defend childrens’ right to life, free of war, of violence and of cruelty.

Our guarantee to children is peace – In other words… life. Peace will be preserved. Our children will grow in a peaceful world. In this anxious time we live in, filled with anxiety over the fate of mankind, peace will be preserved for our children. They will grow up in a peaceful world.

Our children will live in peace: no more arms race, no war, no more. Our guarantee to children is peace: they should live in peace.

You are cordially invited to visit the website of Dr Amanullah Ashru:
