
More Rumours…

By admin

April 09, 2011

:: Gulam Zilani:: To follow up on another article, and as WWDC is “around the corner” per say.  Traditional rumours of this smart phone are over populating the web.  Where ever you guy, you hear rumours of the iPhone 5 of having this or having that.  In its typical ploy this is spread by two popular means. Firstly by users and abusers (avid fan’s), secondly by the manufacturer themselves leaving out sensitive info and getting feedback of what users are expecting from the Technology giant.Ok let’s dig in as to what rumours are flying where and why?Better Camera:Well as mentioned in earlier article it as actually expected that the iPhone 5 to have up to 8 Mega Pixel camera. A Natural increment from the iPhone 4.No Home Button:Huh? Didn’t see that one coming, seeing that it is very useful.  But apparently there quite a number of users who do not like that feature and instead would prefer a small iconic touch feature like the HTC devices have.  That way the device can have a larger screen estate.Bigger Screen:Well seeing that if the Home button can be removed and just become an small iconic touch button, than a physical button, the iPhone 5 can be still of the same sized aspect of the iPhone 4 and increase the visual display up to 4 inches.  But for some reason there are individuals who like that to become 5 inches?? Erm why? Why would you carry a 5 inch screened handset with you and look like Dom Jolly??Better Resolution:By Apple! Yes please.  There’s nothing wrong with the resolution on the iPhone 4.  In fact its one of the clearest out there on the market.  Beats all the others in terms of clarity.  So any improvements on this would be widely accepted.Same Design:OK, why would you want the same design?  I for one would like to see a more curved design going back to how the 3GS models were.  It was elegant and beauty all wrapped into one. Light, grip friendly and best of all…it looked awesome!  The iPhone 4 on the other hand felt like small plank of wood with a chip on its shoulder; and by god it did.  With all its hardware issues and weight magnetised with a glass screen that actually lent a hand to the weight.Sensibly there are Apple fans out there who would like the change in design, and I’m one of them.  Yes I don’t own or use Apple products (bar Quicktime), but certainly love there ingenuity to create minimalistic and ergonomic devices that simply cry out “Own me”.Physical Keyboard:Luckily when users were posed with the option if they would like to see the new device with a physical keyboard, the answer was no.  I mean that would have destroyed the reputation of its predecessors and actively kill of sales for the new device.More Storage:Most of us use our smart phones very religiously and those who have found sense in that area have began to use just the one device that does all.  I mean why would you not take all your media and stuff and just place it on the one handy basket? Rather than carrying multiple devices.  and if your worried about loosing your important documents, pictures and music.   Time you got your self a DropBox account and Amazon Cloud Player account.Full HD Recording:This is totally a user point of view; and to be honest you don’t need your handsets to record as 1080p.  If you really want to create that super video, then invest in a proper video camera.  There are plentiful around that can do the job more than expected and have all the necessary features and functions you would expect the device to have.  So let’s leave this at 720p.  Besides most HD content you even view on TV’s are 720p’s. And you love it!Low Cost:Well, we could all wish this.  But in all honesty it all depends on supply and demand, device capability, and of course profit margins.Better Battery:There’s a multitude of arguments here that you must consider.  Its all good saying we want better battery – and this has been an age old argument – but the more we place on to a device the more power it will naturally drain.  The most common issue is that we use our phone even when we don’t need it: so that actually drains our battery faster than the expected lifeline.NFC Technology:With the way the market is running this would and is a definite must feature.  The use of such feature minimises and secures all the daily essentials such keys, credit cards etc.  I look forward to the full eventually and use of this technology and simply loving the idea of just carrying my phone and no more bulging pockets and holes in my trousers thanks to keys and a fat wallet (if only).Improved and Faster Processor:This is a given, and is one of the most expected feature.  Without a doubt we can expect this to be there in the form of an A5 processor.  Seeing that it’s already made its mark on the iPad2, cant see why this should not feature on the next generation of iPhone.More RAM:While we all multitask on our handset, it’s given that we require more memory to make those data transactions between the application and storage.  This again will be welcomed and I’m sure will be needed anyway for all the functionality that will be placed on the new device.   Not to mention the newer operating system. HDMI Output:Now this is very useful, and I for one would like to see this feature standardised on handsets without the need to create an adapter or customised interface; which by the way many companies such as Sony, Apple, Sony Ericsson and Nokia are guilty of. You can just help that these are done deliberately to generate more income.  But do they look at natural law and wastage?? I doubt it.4G:While the requirement of 4G is a great idea; it does and will consume more battery. The use of this technology without a doubt will bring super speed browsing.  Something that we all look forward to in Europe. Definitely the thumbs up for inclusion.Voice Controls:While this is still in its infancy given that sensitivity levels tend to pick up background noises.  It may be useful to have such features while driving. But then again, let’s not try and do our emails while driving on the motorway or instruct the phone to make phone calls to our contacts.  Features can be controlled in that respect that the handset, when docked in a car does not take calls and simply have other features such GPS mapping, audio (not video) functionality available.  But even then these will be unlocked by an unruly hacker.iTunes Cloud:Should this service launch it would be an excellent way to manage your music from one central location without having plug it in your PC or Mac.  Would mean direct competition with Amazon Cloud Player.  However, such service could be under scrutiny from users and network providers as bandwidth issues and data allowance will most certainly be affected.Availability:Well this is up for debate. while there are techies out there adamant that Apple would be launching this device, this summer, despite the recent Tsunami issues in Japan and that parts are not being manufactured while the country stabilises itself.  Some are hopeful for an early Autumn gift from Apple, while the rest of the sensible heads have taken all of these fact its into account are holding onto a Christmas launch from Santa Jobs.