
More fun than run?

By admin

August 01, 2015

First we had runs. Then we had fun runs. Now we have a colour run that’s fun. No, not a colour run like when you put a red sock in the white wash – but a run that goes through various kinds of lighting and other substances and circumstances that generate colour as you run along. Except you don’t have to run. You can just go. You go in waves. As, incidentally, do colours. And it’s at night, did we say? Think of a rave – but it moves?

It’s happening in the Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park, on Saturday, 5th September. You pay a minimum of £27 to join in: then, you have to enjoy all the colour stuff. Participants will receive a limited edition glowing t-shirt as well as a black light headlamp in their race packs to help them twinkle beneath the night sky: yes, it’s not just fun but you twinkle too. It’s billed as the “happiest 5k” on the planet – should that read “hippiest”?

Some fun runs are fun, whereas others are fund runs – raising money for various charitable causes. The Color Run Night [sic] is a commercial event: you pay for your fun – and the event is sponsored by Original Source, Ocean Spray, the NSPCC, Metro and Capital as well. However, there will be opportunities to transfer money to the event’s approved charity, the NSPCC.

You have been warned. Tickets are on sale now at

