
Hedgecock Centre launches Community Book Fair

By admin1

April 03, 2021

Shah Yousuf

AS LOCKDOWN MEASURES in England are eased, dedicated volunteers were delighted to welcome visitors to the inaugural Hedgecock Community Centre Book Fair. The event exceeded all expectations as 88 visitors took home 247 books and 49 family fun packs.

Emdad Rahman (left) with some happy customers.

The books were donated by members of different communities via #bookbikelondon, and hundreds of enjoyable titles were on offer for bookworms to take home for free. There were also special family fun packs from The British Library, along with scissors, glue, colour pencils and sharpeners.

Nine year old Musa of Manor Junior School who is the face of the #ActiveMusa YouTube Channel was one of seven volunteers on the day. He said, “It was a really busy two hours for us but really enjoyable. We had so many cool books the young people were spoilt for choice. The adults were really happy, and I hope we do this again.”

The team of volunteers hope to turn this into a regular event which will be held the weekend before a school holiday.

Emdad Rahman from #bookbikelondon commented, “This was an outstanding debut. Well done, team – you’ve helped spread so many smiles today. Phenomenal work!”

●Read more stories about the Hedgecock Community Centre: Hedgecock Community Centre

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