
East London’s Gardening in June

By admin1

May 28, 2019

THE JUNE ISSUE of The Voice, the newsletter of the East London Garden Society is out, with news and tips about all things green.

Geoff Juden sets the scene, reminding us to adopt a positive mindset to move forward. “There is a garden in all of our minds,” he says, “but it is the way we interpret it that counts.”

This month we can learn about a Food Forest (a natural vertical kitchen which produces food efficiently) and about the Zoo Beneath our Feet (the living world under our feet). There’s also a new look at the health benefits of peppers and chillies.

There’s a new way to tackle Japanese knotweed, once thought to be about to swamp the entire UK countryside. It’s not a new pesticide, or back-breaking digging: simply eat it!

This month’s call to action includes news about a petition in Newham to stop developers blocking access to the footpath along the river Lea.

To read the new issue of The Voice, go to: The Voice

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