
Delia Smith is the latest celebrity to endorse the SaveKEMP campaign

By admin

March 25, 2011

Delia Smith is the latest celebrity to endorse the SaveKEMP campaign to save King Edward VII Memorial Park, Shadwell from being turned into a building site by Thames Water for their super sewer project. Delia joins Dame Helen Mirren, actor Steven Berkoff, comedian Lee Hurst and singer Kenny Lynch in condemning the potential destruction of one of the few parks left in Tower Hamlets.

Just like her food, her endorsement is simple, genuine and very tasty (at least for the campaigners, less so for Thames Water).

“Sometimes you don’t agree with things, but you can understand the logic. In this instance there cannot be any trace of logic – in a built up area that’s highly populated with families, and particularly children who live in flats with no access to a garden, to remove this tiny bit of green space is quite simply idiotic. I sincerely hope the permission for this scheme will be withheld.”