Jeremy Corbyn discussing the strain on the NHS at a local GP surgery.


Corbyn furious as Tories fail us on NHS

By admin1

August 10, 2017

DATA ON NHS performance released today shows that Theresa May’s Government is running down the NHS at the expense of patients – and Labour Leader Jeremy Corbyn has warned that UK NHS patients cannot afford another year of Theresa May.

Theresa May’s “record of achievement” shows that during her first year in office: •2,550,755 people waited over four hours to be seen in A&E, an increase of 460,530; •A&E waiting time targets have been missed every month for two years; •280,000 people have been added to waiting lists, taking the number of people currently waiting for hospital care to over 4 million; •the total number of bed days lost due to delayed transfers of care was over 2.2 million, an increase of 366,032; •there have been 80,664 cancelled elective operations, equal to 1,551 per week, an increase of 3,775; •four million people are now waiting for surgery – the highest number since 2007.

Labour Leader Jeremy Corbyn said, “NHS patients cannot afford another year of Theresa May. She has said she is ‘proud’ of the Conservative record on the NHS, but after a year in office, patients are waiting longer to be seen in A&E, longer for treatment and longer to be discharged. That is nothing to be proud of.

“The crisis in social care is crippling our hospitals as more people have delayed discharges because there isn’t proper care available for them outside. The Conservatives pledged to reduce delayed discharges but have failed to honour their promise.

“Labour would immediately put £2 billion into social care. And we would lift the public sector pay cap and reinstate nurses’ bursaries to help recruit and retain NHS staff. The NHS is simply not safe in the hands of the Conservatives. A Labour government will invest in our NHS so it can properly look after the vast majority of people who rely on it.”

•Read more about it: NHS: Labour promises extra funds What do you know about the NHS?

