
Coaching course coming soon

By admin

July 12, 2015

Giving children a great experience in sport to inspire them to continue participating for life is a great help to the community. Tower Hamlets Council runs a range of coaching courses to help turn enthusiastic helpers into coaches who can deliver quality training sessions for children. 

The next session is Coaching Children (5-12) years old, being held from 6.30pm-9.30pm on 30th June at Mile End stadium. This workshop is designed to help children’s coaches improve their soft and personal skills to become more effective coaches. It will equip them with new tools to incorporate positive youth development into their sessions and beyond and pick up new ideas for their own coaching practice.

Participants are charged a very reasonable £10 each for the workshop. Places must be booked in advance. For more information, ring 020-7364 673 during office hours.