British Politics

Brexiters: keep your promise on the NHS

By admin1

June 24, 2016

During the referendum campaign, the “leave” side promised that the £350 million per week savings they calculated the UK could make from leaving the EU should be spent on the NHS. By the early morning of the day after the referendum, Nigel Farage was backtracking on the promise.

The below petitions is circulating on 38 degrees. Do go and sign it.

Keep the promise of £350 million for our NHS

To: UK Government Ensure that the £350 million a week that was promised goes to our NHS. Why is this important? Nigel Farage and Leave campaigners promised to invest in our NHS – but this morning it looks like they’re trying to wriggle out of it. They shouldn’t be allowed to make promises they can’t keep. Our NHS has been cash strapped for years. NHS staff are working so hard and it’s crumbling around them. Now we have an opportunity to make the “Leave” campaigners promise to put the £350 million saved from the EU into the NHS. Today, half the country is rejoicing, half the country is despairing. But the NHS unites us all. We need to hold them to their promise of £350 million a week for our NHS.
