
Ben Nevis conquered by Team Legend and Human Relief

By admin

July 14, 2013

Fourteen Eastenders – most of whom have been mates since school – have scaled Britain’s highest peak to raise money for an international orphan education progamme. The group travelled up to Edinburgh, at their own expense, climbed Ben Nevis and returned to the East End 48 hours later.

Khoyrul Shaheed explained the work of the charity, the Human Relief Foundation: “We work with 8,000 orphans across the world and it has been a pleasure working with this group. The unity has been amazing and the experience has been so memorable on many fronts.”

Didar Hussain took time off from his job managing Londis on Burdett Road, to go on the expedition. “It’s been magical,” he said. “I have had such a good time catching up with my friends whilst raising money for orphans across the world. What better combination can you get than that? I have young children and nephews and nieces. I hope that my small effort can inspire them all to do similar deeds in the future too.”

Another member of the highland troupe, Afazul Hoque from Stepney Football Club, commented on the trip on behalf of his comrades: “The unity and strength of character throughout has been immense and I hope we can get together at least once a year and combine charity work with pleasure. Ben Nevis was a challenge on many fronts but our spirit and determination carried us through. The views and contrasts in weather conditions were breathtaking.”

Team Legend members included Mohsin Ahmed, Shahel Ali, Abu Sufian, Abdul Munim, Moklisur Rahman, Sam Islam, Emdad Rahman, Didar Hussain, Afazul Hoque, Kamal uddin, Akik Miah, Abdul Hannan, Hamid Yusuf and Khoyrul Shaheed. See the team’s work on: