
Awards night for Pioneering ILFL vets League

By Emdad Rahman

November 14, 2022

Emdad Rahman

The Mayfair Venue hosted the Inner London Football League as footballers from across East London came together to celebrate and have their achievements recognised during the annual awards evening.

Nanu Miah from the management committee addressed the guests and highlighted the challenges involved in running a League which caters to the physical and mental wellbeing needs of thousands of footballers in London, through the delivery of several age based League programmes.

He said, “ILFL will change the whole dynamics of football with your support, we guarantee this.”

Chairman Rashid Ali welcomed guests to the night and thanked the sponsors, for bringing the event to life.

He said, “We are celebrating the achievements of individuals and teams throughout the year. It’s a night to celebrate success and unity. We have faced a few challenging years, we have conquered the hurdles and come out stronger altogether.

Chief guest on the night was Lutfur Rahman, Executive Mayor of the London Mayor of Tower Hamlets and he was joined by rising star and professional boxer, Repton graduate Khalid Ali and Tower Hamlets Councillors Abdul Wahid, Amin Rahman and Bodrul Choudhury.

The veterans League started ten years ago and the concept behind the project was to break the age barrier, to enable footballers to continue playing and engaging with the sport beyond what is considered to be the age of retirement.

Today there are over one thousand players registered in the Vets League alone.

TVL16 Vets League champions Wapping FC received their awards and League champions included Stepney FC, ELS Vets B, Kentish Town and Camden Panthers.

Beaumont Masters were celebrated as Premier League champions.

In the 40+ category Hawk & Eagle won the title in their first season and St Katherine’s took the honours for VL8.

The Super 7 was launched as a pilot project and has gone from strength to strength. East London Kings, Crystal Palestine, Champions of East End, Azzurri FC and Al Huda received their trophies for successful seasons.

Speaking on behalf of Seeds of Sadaqah – The ILFL official Charity partner, Docklands FC chairman Sunu Miah highlighted the tremendous projects delivered to the needy in Bangladesh, including homes, food packs, winter essentials, education and recreation.

Representatives from the Sporting Foundation, Sonali Othith and Active 50 included Sayed Miah, Jamal Uddin, Anfor Ali and Syed Salique Ahmed, all of whom presented trophies to Summer League winners.

The event was sponsored by the Mayfair Venue, Icon College and Pride of Asia.